Thursday 24 May 2007

Oragnised crime involving the London Met police for Lancashire County Council and Lancs police.

This is the 14th entry in the series outlining massive corruption best described as organised crime.
Links will be referred where applicable.
increscunt animi, virescit volnere virtus
(The spirit grows - strength is restored by wounding.)
On 19 January 2004 after yet another farcical and depressing court hearing (another never regsitered and thus never legally heard although the judge would have been paid out of public funds for his attendance knowing his claim was fraudulent) in the ROYAL COURTS OF JUSTICE (RCJ) with LORD JUSTICE PETER GIBSON (link I reported the matters of court corruption to Charing Cross police on Agar St as being the nearest police station to the RCJ.
The corruption and plain criminality of Gibson had been witnessed.
His ignoring of what he saw evidenced via documents in front of him was an offence under the Contempt of Court Act 1981 Sec 1 and 2(2). (Links and Manchester Tribunals and the EAT respectively) at least.
Roger Smith, police officer, his sergeant and then a Mark Brigham CID were involved initially. I made a formal statement, my witness submitted his statement.
A NICHOLAS WOOD and a JOSEPH MUTCH took the lead after 24 Jan 04 when a crime number was allocated for the investigation of what was serious crime.
I was to supply N Wood with a copy of the file that had been in front of Gibson on the 19th Jan 04.
Then there were 3 copies in existence.
My copy, the one in the RCJ and the one for N Wood.
My skeleton argument and list of submitted documents were included within the files.
Prior to my sending the copy to Wood I received a parcel from the RCJ, it was the file that Gibson had had in court on the 19th Jan. I did not open that package; it is still sealed with the RCJ seal and kept in a safe place.
I knew that if I opened it it would have been said that I had altered the file and what I told the police had been in front of Gibson would have said to have been untrue.
(Litigants take note, court liars abound.)
It is not normal for files to be returned without request. (Litigants also note that whatever actions the corrupt take it is always for their purposes, never yours, question everything that appears to have been done to assist you.)
N Wood then had an absolutely true copy of what Gibson had had, plus a copy of the court Order, prepared and sent out at the same time the 'hearing' was in progress!
N Wood and J Mutch wrote asking me for a copy of the judgement which was not in the file.
I resent the Order, I resent that twice. Wood knew it was all I had. He insisted he couldn't progress without the judgement.
Those matters dragged on for many weeks.
I wrote to Gibson, three times, twice his clerk responded and confirmed (unwittingly) that Gibson had been part of the conspiracy to pervert the course of justice for me to protect the corrupt.
The letters I copied to Wood as further proof of Gibson's corruption.
Still Wood asked for a copy of the judgement.
I tried to obtain a transcript of the hearing for Wood and Mutch and finally, after 14 months of persistence obtained one.
It was not of the hearing of 19 Jan 04 at all. And that could be proven, and was.
Wood got all that as well and by that time I had evidence that court transcripts were routinely altered to pervert the course of justice for anybody challenging the corrupt especially within the 'establishment'.
(Link Lancaster County Court's part in court transcription alterings.)
Wood's attitude changed. Mutch wrote saying he would return my file to me if I didn't want to proceeed. I told him to keep it; I would proceed with the criminal investigation.
In May 2005, Wood made contact for us to meet. His changed attitude was noticable. He requested a meeting in Manchester at a GMP station (link which made me wonder. I asked if we could meet in Lancaster.
He insisted we meet in Lancaster police station which I was unhappy about. (Lancashire police to be added at later link) but see PAUL STEPHENSON connection in link .
Wood was another who wanted everything arranged and agreed over the phone (see GMP link above) but I asked for emails.
A date was set, 23 June 05 and I asked Wood if I could tape the meeting.
He was furious and showed that in his subsequent email to me.
This was clearly wrong, I liked nothing about this N Wood person and I had never even met him. I engaged a solicitor to witness the meeting where Wood was supposed to be formally interviewing me as a victim of crime confirming my witness statement of January 2004.
On the date at the specified time I arrived at Lancaster police station and reported to the reception area. I asked if my solicitor had arrived.
The desk clerk told me that my solicitor had arrived but then had been told that I was not expected in the station and that there was no meeting and no senior officer from the Met police.
I insisted they call my solicitor back.
The usual rubbish was trotted out as if I were a dimwit.
Nobody had known about the meeting between a senior officer from the Met and myself in Lancaster police station. And I was supposed to belive that!
I asked, when shown through to meet Wood, how he had gained entry to a police station without anyone knowing he was there.
Not only that, despite no-one knowing of any meeting or presence of any officer from the Met. they had secured for themselves a room for interview. (There were 2 when I entered the room.)
(Terrorists please note, there is free access into Lancaster police station, and you can wander about at will. You can requisition a room for your meetings, leave your cars in the secure police car park and no questions will be asked. It's a free-for-all.)
My solicitor returned but neither of us were signed in or given Visitors' badges. As I said, its a free-for-all in there.
N Wood, when I asked him how he had an allocated room (the door sign was the clue, it said 'Interview in progress', and I'm not the detective) said to me he was to see me in a cell but had changed his mind; the return of my solicitor changed his mind.
It was to be a re-run of GMP and their various, feeble attempts to harm me (see GMP link and second one yet to be added.)
Wood was scruffy, he was not on duty. He introduced a much younger female as a fellow detective when she was clearly anything but.
Wood had been sent on a 'fishing expedition' for what I would reveal in the RCJ later that year (link to be added) It was more perjury from STEPHEN SAINSBURY Lancaster County Court Manager and LAURA SALES for LCC legal dept. They had conspired and manufactured documents for use on the 17th Aug 05 in the RCJ.
The passing of information around the corrupt could be seen.
It was obvious that when I gave one piece of information it was passed round until somebody could act on it. To identify members of corrupt cartels it never fails, pass one piece of information and watch how it travels.
I wouldn't give Wood anything, I knew he was not on duty, he was on leave with his girlfriend.
The plan was for me to be foolish enough to go and met him on my own.
He would have had me in a cell and nobody would have known I was there.
There had been no signing in and no evidence that he was in the station.
Making any complaint afterwards would have resulted in the liars and bent coppers in Lancaster saying that I had not been in that station, that Wood had not been in that station with his 'companion' and all his colleagues in London would have confirmed that he was on leave and had no reason to be in Lancaster station. My early insistence on emails offers inconvenient facts.
The implication being that I was quite insane making such allegations . But I had a solicitor and their pathetic plans failed - again.
I did complain about Wood and Mutch and a MARK LAWRENCE took up the matter which again dragged on and on. I was right, Wood had been on leave and did not have a fellow detective.
Wood had helped someone impersonate a senior officer with the assistance of a senior officer.
Mark Lawrence and Joseph Mutch didn't see that as a problem.
M Lawrence was seen to be a liar in dealing with that complaint in backdating letters and tgrying to rewrite history. I complained about him.
I also realised that in my being polite, reasonable and friendly they saw someone weak to hammer down.
Complainants take note.
A NICK PRESTON from Internal Investigations Command dealt with my complaint about M Lawrence in March 06, it took another unnecessary length of time but N Preston noted that he had a file that M Lawrence, Wood and Mutch had denied existed.
The IPCC became involved and it's comon knowledge that they are a collection of liars and generally rotten apples in one barrel. (IPCC link to be added.)
In April 06 I visited Charing Cross because my requests for the return of my file after N Wood showed himself to be what he was and presumably still is, another thug of the state, had all been ignored.
Charing Cross was being decorated so I was guided to Holborn. J Mutch was emailed asking for the return of my file and the desk clerks told me that N Wood had been demoted because of the 23 June 05. The IPCC hadn't told me that, but nobody will deny it. The IPCC told me my complaint had no substance. Mutch ignored that email.
Between april 2006 and to the present I have asked for the return of my file of evidence.
Wood had also encouraged me to leave documents showing additional corruption in the RCJ which I did. I saw firstly Mark Brigham again (always decent) and a James Roberts (also decent) who Wood conned as well.
The extra RCJ link to be added.
M Lawrence began emailing me again and deliberately misconstrued my reasonable request. I had reminded them that Lord Levy was under the impression that destruction of evidence of criminal matters was a crime in itself and I believed that my file had been passed back to the named criminals within LCC just as GMP had done in 2004. (Link ref above.)
M Lawrence knew also about interception of communications throughout and was party to all that. (LCC and Lancs police to be added)
Sir Ian Blair knows of all this and does nothing.
John Reid knows and does nothing except resign when Der Fueher resigns. They are both vicariously liable in law for criminal offences committed by their empoloyees whilst in their emply.
Charles Clark tried to assist. He is an endangered species, a decent man.
I am still waiting for the file I sent at a cost of £10 for posting and £15 for copying for N Wood.
I am still waiting for the documents added.
M Lawrence spoke well enough in his last email to me of 1/5/07, his previous email had been the hammer to the nail again.
I also can hammer when necessary, as said, it is no use being friendly, polite and agreeable, those qualities are taken as being signs of weakness and exploited.
Statute law for all citizens, Police Reform Act 2002, (PRA) the Home Secretary has a liability for the Director General of the NCIS, Part 2 PRA 02 (25) and Schedule 1 with Sch 4 also.
Part 2 of the PRA (3) (a) makes one wonder about Roy Clarke's position within the IPCC. (See Stoke Newington police records for CV of Clarke.)
PRA Oath as sworn by police officers offer allegiances to the public, not the silly boys' club aka the Freemasons (see footnote).
The NCIS were sent letters outlining some of this and they were sent by recorded delivery and signed for as having been revceived. Each one was ignored.
They were faxed to the Home Office with a cover letter on 8/5/06 and copied to the Committee for Standards in Public Life - Sir Alastair Graham.
Chasing them up later the Home Office admitted that the faxes had 'disappeared'. I suggested they write to the NCIS and offered dates of my letters which would have been on file there. I thought the Home Office could be sent copies direct. All that was ignored as usual.
It is safe to declare that there are no standards in public life, those who are not corrupt are afraid.
The unexpurgated version is being written in a book.
Recommended reading, 'Bent Coppers' James Morton pub. Warner Books 1993.
Freemasons: Silly boys' club where abject failures with women meet often to stroke each other's egos.
Next entry Manchester Tribunals and links with Lancaster County Court, Greater Manchester Police, Lancashire County Council and all proven on court faxes: conspiracy.
Carol Woods Lancaster May 24th 2007.